M. Alsan, R. Prasad, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Lower
Bounds on
the Bayes Risk of the Bayesian BTL Model with Applications to Random Graphs, IEEE
Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Vol. 12, Oct 2018.
- R. Prasad, C. R. Murthy, and B. D. Rao,
Joint Channel Estimation and Data
Detection in MIMO-OFDM Systems: A
Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach, accepted with mandatory minor revisions, IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing., Jun. 2015.
- R. Prasad, C. R. Murthy, and B. D. Rao, Joint Approximately Sparse Channel
Estimation and Data Detection in
OFDM Systems using Sparse Bayesian Learning, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing., Jul. 2014.
- R. Prasad and C. R. Murthy, Cramer
Rao-Type Bounds for Sparse Bayesian
Learning, IEEE Transactions on Signal
Processing, Vol. 61, No. 3, Jan. 2013, pp. 622 - 632.
- R. Prasad, Unlabelled
Sensing: A Sparse
Bayesian Learning Approach.
Conference Papers
Ansh Sharma*, Rahul Kukreja*, Ranjitha Prasad, Shilpa D. Rao,
'DAGSurv: Directed Ayclic Graph
Based Survival
Analysis Using Deep
Neural Networks', ACML 2021.
- Anish Madan, R. Prasad, 'B-SMALL: A Bayesian
Neural Network Approach to Sparse
Model-agnostic Metalearning',
IEEE ICASSP 2021. (virtual conference)
- Sachin Kumar, G. Gupta, R. Prasad, A. Chatterjee, L. Vig, and G. Shroff, CAMTA:
Causal Attention Model for
Multi-touch Attribution, DMS Workshop, ICDM 2020.
- A. Sharma, G. Gupta, R. Prasad, A. Chatterjee, L. Vig, and G. Shroff, Hi-CI:
Deep Causal Inference in High
Dimensions, ACM SIGKDD Causal Discovery 2020 (PMLR).
- Srinidhi Hegde, Ranjitha Prasad, Ramya Hebbalaguppe, Vishwajeet Kumar, Variational Student: Learning Compact
and Sparser networks in the Knowledge Distillation Framework, ICASSP 2020.
- A. Sharma, G. Gupta, R. Prasad, A. Chatterjee, L. Vig, and G. Shroff, MultiMBNN:Matched and Balanced Causal
Inference with Neural Networks, ESANN, 2020.
- A. Sharma, G. Gupta, R. Prasad, A. Chatterjee, L. Vig, and G. Shroff, MetaCI:
Meta-Learning for Causal
Inference in a Heterogeneous Population, NeurIPS CausalML workshop, 2019.
- G. Gupta, Vishal S., R. Prasad, G. Shroff, CRESA:
A Deep Learning Approach to
Competing Risks, Recurrent
Survival Analysis, PAKDD 2019.
- R. Prasad, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Inference Algorithms for the Multiplicative
Mixture Mallows Model, SPCOM, Jul.
- G. Joseph, C. R. Murthy, R. Prasad, and B. D. Rao, Online Recovery of
Temporally Correlated Sparse Signals
Using Multiple Measurement Vectors, IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom), San Diego, CA,
Dec. 2015.
- V. Vinuthna, R. Prasad, and C. R. Murthy, Sparse signal recovery in the
presence of colored noise and
rank-deficient noise covariance matrix: an SBL approach, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.
- R. Prasad, C. R. Murthy, and B. D. Rao, Nested Sparse Bayesian
Learning for
Block-Sparse Signals with Intra-Block Correlation, to appear in the Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and
Processing (ICASSP), Florence, Italy, May 2014.
- R. Prasad and C. R. Murthy, Joint
Approximately Group Sparse Channel Estimation
and Data Detection in MIMO-OFDM Systems Using Sparse Bayesian Learning, Accepted, Proc. IEEE National
Conference on
(NCC), IIT Kanpur, Feb. 2014. (Best paper award, Communications track)
- R. Prasad and C. R. Murthy, Bayesian Learning for Joint Sparse OFDM Channel
Estimation and Data Detection,
Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), Miami, USA, Dec. 2010.
- R. Prasad, B. N. Bharath, and C. R. Murthy, Joint Data Detection and Dominant
Singular Mode Estimation in Time
Varying Reciprocal MIMO Systems, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Speech, Acoustics and Signal
(ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011, pp. 3240 - 3243.